How to Set Yourself Up for a Successful Remote Work Career

The Challenges Of Working From Home

Remote WorkingEven before the COVID-19 pandemic, remote jobs were becoming more and more popular each year. Not only does remote work offer a number of significant benefits to workers (e.g., no commute, flexible schedules, more time for family and self-care, etc.), but assigning remote work to employees also benefits companies by reducing overhead costs and expanding their talent pool. Thus, working from home is likely to remain a popular option for the foreseeable future.

If you've lost your job during the pandemic, remote work could be a great path forward. From using Input Youth job guides to creating a work area to maintaining a schedule, here are some key tips for finding and keeping a remote job in 2020 and beyond.

Figure Out What You Want To Do

Your first step will be to determine what kind of job you want to pursue, whether it's a specific position or a general industry. You basically have two approaches to consider here:

1. Look for a job in the field you previously worked in.

2. Pick a different career path altogether.

If you go with the first option, use all of the contacts you've made over the years to connect with potential employers and job prospects. While there may be more of a learning curve involved, starting fresh in a new industry or niche might add some vitality and inspiration to your life, especially if you've dealt with burnout in recent years.

Think carefully about your interests, knowledge, talents, and skills. Then, use resources and job guides like those provided by Input Youth to research the details and requirements of various jobs on the market (there are guides for more than 950 jobs).

Prepare For Your Job Hunt

Once you have an idea of what kind of job you want, start preparing for the search. Make sure your CV is thorough and professional and that you have a great outfit for interviews. Start thinking about what questions you might be asked during interviews, as well as questions you can ask hiring managers. And make a list of potential jobs, beginning with the ones you would most like to do.

Use Job Boards

After you've made your list of potential jobs, go onto job sites and job boards to see what's out there. You might be surprised by how many different opportunities there are for remote work. For instance, by using job boards like Upwork, you can find work in industries spanning from software development to customer service, from architecture to sales and marketing.

Dedicate A Work Area

Whatever type of work you do from home, it's critical to have a designated work area. Try to set up a home office that helps you separate your home and work life so that you can minimize distractions and hone in on your daily tasks. And be sure to invest in necessary items like a desk, ergonomic chair, and lighting.

Stick To A Schedule

Along with creating a home office, you'll want to develop a work schedule that fits your lifestyle. One of the biggest advantages of working from home is that you have more flexibility with your routine. The downside, however, is that it can be challenging to maintain a consistent schedule when your primary living areas are only steps away. Find when you are most productive and establish solid work hours for yourself and your family.

Learn How To Use Communication Tools

Finally, remote work will require you to communicate with employers and co-workers on a regular basis. As early as possible, invest in some popular communication tools and learn how to navigate them. Also, your employer will likely have specific apps and software tools setup for company wide use, so be sure to acquire and learn how to use those programs and abide by any communication expectations and guidelines established by your employer.

Remote work could be your saving grace after a difficult year. Determine what kind of job you want to do, make any necessary preparations, and hit online job boards to find opportunities. Lastly, create a home office and work schedule, and learn how to navigate the communication tools you will be using.


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